Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Driver's Rant

I apologize for my absence on here.  With the coming of the new year there have come a lot of new challenges between students and weather.  It's been a really up hill battle. The pool for student I must admit seems to be lacking as of late. People do  not appear to be jumping at the opportunity to drive a truck. What can we do to fix this problem?   Unfortunately not a whole lot.  It's a corporate issue. No one wants to address the fact that new drivers do not want to enter a field that refuses to adapt to the change in the times. Drivers want better pay and more home time and to be treated more fairly.  In the old days you did what you want when you wanted because you made the rules. Well times change as they always do and big companies put a stop to all of that and people fell in line. Now that was all well and good because drivers at that time could live with their rules and the way they wanted to do things. Times have yet again changed.  Many drivers are not seeing change and finding new jobs.   The companies are not listening because drivers are a dime a dozen. Well I hate to tell you drivers are no longer a dime a dozen.  They are becoming more scarce from what I can tell.  I have talked to the old timers and listen to the stories of the old days and let me tell you they are not impressed with the way things have been headed. They are still here because it's the only life they know.  New drivers do not share those same problems. They are coming here because they need a change not because there trapped and do not know another way. That in itself is a huge problem especially when the new drivers are leaving their families behind for the first time in their lives. They are not going to cope well with being told oh you cannot go home for another week cause we do not have freight headed that direction.  Or even better, oh its going to be a couple of days, we know your home was just devastated by a natural disaster but we can't send you straight home to deal with it.  Your family is on there own. That does not fly to well with people.  Most of us get that it's a business and performance based industry, but the businesses need to remember that you need to take care of the folks that keep America moving. Well folks time for me to head on down the road.  As always be safe out there and keep those wheels turning.