Sunday, September 15, 2013

Busting Misconceptions About Trainers

Lets try to make sure we shoot down some of the misconceptions that you may have heard about training.  I have personally trained a great deal of students that seem to be under the impression that their training process will be far less then the actual time it will take. A lot of times this information comes from the recruiters or the salesman whose job it is to put students in the seats. They are willing to tell you whatever it takes to bring in drivers. Please heed my warning take what ever they tell you with a grain of salt. They are not all liars, but I would have to guess that if they all told the truth about things then there would be a lot less drivers coming in. Next trainers are not a dime a dozen. All companies have a hard time trying to find people to train their students.  Most people do not like to drive teams to begin with because it's difficult to trust a complete stranger with your life. Now some of you are just starting out and there are guys that just have to do refreshers for what ever reason that are a little rusty.  Be honest with yourselves would you really want either of these in your truck.  Let me tell you that there are far more students than trainers.  The reality is no one gets to pick who they get. Let's face it there are a portion of employees in any profession that are not top quality.  No different with trainers.   So that brings up my third point this week,  your trainer and the horror stories you will hear about him or her. Okay I will be honest.   There are some really rotten trainers out there and there are also rotten students. Not all trainers are the monsters that we are made out to be. A lot of trainers sleep very little.  They teach you the most they can and try to make sure you are safe. So with that in mind, they may be a little short tempered from time to time. Try to give them a little slack and the benefit of you doubt.   I cannot tell you how many students that expect me to yell and scream at them the entire ride.  It does not work that way.  Every trainer has there own way of teaching you to do the job and it may or may not work for you. That is why you will have a Student Driver Manager but that's a topic for another day so for now safe travels and be safe out there folks.

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