Sunday, October 20, 2013

Senior Moments in Truck Driving

You know I do a lot of talking on here and every week when I post we seems to get a decent amount of views. No one ever comments or ask a whole lot of questions, so this week I am interested in hearing from you - doesn't matter if you're a student, veteran truck driver or anywhere in between. Now we all have senior moments, as they've come to be known, where we forget something or do something completely foolish.  Just recently someone was telling me one such story.  They could not find the keys to their truck.  Come to find out they had left them in the door of their truck. What are  some of your stories?   I love a good story.   You can learn a lot from listening to other people's stories.  The only thing we ask is that you keep it kind and not judgmental if you comment on a story.  We've all made a mistake or two or more out there on the road. 

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