Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Encouragement

Well folks, I apologize for my absence.  It the last big push for the year. So with the holidays coming, time is always very limited as many of you are well aware I am sure. Tensions are high on all fronts. The weather is turning, the money is lacking and your home life is probably a little shakey to say the least, if your like most families this time of the year. It is very important to keep you cool and have a little patience.  We have all been there or maybe we are right there with you on the front lines. It is an up hill battle this time of year but it is one that you can and will win in the end. Just don't forget to show your families that you care.  They have been hanging in there with you all year long and it has probably been a rough one.   I have come across a lot of drivers that have not had the best year and it shows, but they are putting their best foot forward.  I say good for them and may they be a shining example for others this holiday season. So remember we're all in this together.  With out the folks at home we probably would not be doing this and would be ripping our hair out more than we already are. To all those spouses out there that read this keep, keep those fires at home burning because we sure cannot wait to get back. I want to personally thank all the drivers and families because I know that no one ever really says it.  Thank you from myself and my whole family. I know I can't bring everything my family needs to the stores out there. I do know that another driver just like me is though and I'm doing the same for his family. It's what we do because it is who we are, we're truck drivers: under appreciated, under payed, and over worked. So thank you to all of you and a Merry Christmas and if you do not do Christmas then Happy Holidays. As all ways be safe out there.

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