Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hope for Changes

The lawsuits are coming. Its funny that one of the biggest topics in trucking is the most ignored by all: that truck drivers on the whole are well underpaid for what they do. Well folks maybe change is coming because people have finally spoken up and lawsuits have been filed against a lot of the major trucking companies for not paying at least the minimum wage  to trainees in the industry. Okay so this does not affect the industry as a whole as far as the pay scale, so there will not be to many pay raises on the horizon.  But maybe these new lawsuits will start to make these companies do something about the pay scale.  Times keep getting harder,which the corporate level doesn't seem to want to acknowledge.  Drivers keep moving from company to company in search of the all mighty dollar that is going to keep them afloat for another week.  Hopefully these lawsuits will be an eye opener at some level for all of these suit and tie guys that pull the strings, while the drivers struggle to feed their families and themselves hoping to make it to the next check. Students already cannot afford to live out on the road for the duration of time that they really need to be on a trainer's truck. Without new students the trucking world is dying.  One can only hope that with law suits such as students being under paid for three years after the raised minimum wage rates that people will begin to look into the pays scales for the industry as a whole.  

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